Ven Geshe Dorji Damdul is the Director at Tibet House, New Delhi, Cultural Centre of His Holiness the Dalai Lama since 2011. He completed his formal training from the Institute of Buddhist Dialectics (Dharamsala), the Drepung Loseling Monasitc University and Gyudmed Tantric College. He had been a visiting fellow at Cambridge University (2003) and has served as the interpreter for H.H the Dalai Lama from 2005. Geshe-la has been a contributor to, and a translator of several key texts, journals and papers related to Buddhism, science, epistemology, philosophy and psychology; and has served as editor for the Dreloma magazine and Lhaksam Tsekpa. Currently, he leads retreats and teaches various topics in Buddhist philosophy, psychology, logic and practice extensively, both in India and abroad.