དགའ་ལྡན་ལྔ་མཆོད། Ganden Ngamchoe,

Dear dharma brothers and sistersWe would like to invite you all to join Gaden Ngamchoe Festival

དགའ་ལྡན་ལྔ་མཆོད། Ganden Ngamchoe, is a celebration of the anniversary of Lama Tsongkhapa’s parinirvana. It is celebrated on the 25th day of the 10th month on the Tibetan calendar. This year, Gaden Ngamchoe festival falls on Tuesday, December 10.


Led by H.E. Kundor Rinpoche la and Geshe Lobsang Tenzin

10 Dec 2020 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm IST Through zoom meeting

Meeting ID: 836 382 1100 Passcode: GN2020

Light offerings are traditionally associated with Ganden Ngamchoe. Now we can safely multiply them by using LED lights in place of lamps or candles.

We will be chanting Migtsema mantra at the end of the puja and keep the lights on in your hand.

About Lama TsongkhapaJe Tsongkhapa Lobsang Drakpa

(1357-1419) was one of the greatest scholar-practitioners in the history of Tibetan Buddhism and the founder of the Gelug school. While still a young man, Tsongkhapa distinguished himself through intense study, a sharp intellect and meditative accomplishment. In the last three decades of his life, Tsongkhapa dedicated himself to practice, teaching, writing and establishing monasteries. Respected by all four schools of Tibetan Buddhism, Lama Tsongkhapa’s deeds contributed tremendously to the revitalization of Buddhism in Tibet.