Hello Dharma friends…as we have discribe all the necessary details about Amulet.So,if anyone interested to carry this lucky charm along with you would kindly contact us in this given no below whatsup no+918928373189

The precious Relic pendant of

1)CHENRIZIG (Guanyin Buddha of Compassion)

2)MEDICINE BUDDHA(Buddha of Healing)Our Most kind Guru Kyabje Kundor Rinpoche out of his compassion made these pendants for fortunate beings to wear so as to be blessed and protected always.

The Holy substance and Holy objects included in the pendant is as below;

1.The bone relic of Buddha

2.Relics of the disciples of the Buddha

3.Relics and precious pills from enlightened masters of Nalanda, India,Tibet.

4.Holy soil from the stupas of all the holy sites of Buddhism.

5. Blessed grains from protector deity NECHUNG & PALDEN LHAMO. 6.Blessed Amrita substance from HH the Dalai Lama.

7. Robes of the great yogi milarepa.

8. Mount kaliash relics/earth/water.

9. Water from the holy Ganges.

10. Peepal leave from the tree Buddha sat under till he got enlightened.

These holy most sacred items were collected and mixed with sacred substance from the elements and manifested to made this Precious Relic Pendant . It is said by wearing such a sacred pendant one will be protected from the four hindrances like black magic and so forth. One will gain wisdom and compassion and one will gain liberation and will not be born in the lower realm for 7 lives.