Palden Lhamo Festival programme དཔལ་ལྷའི་དུས་ཆེན། on 18th December 2021

The Pal Lhai Duchen Festival occurs on the 15th day of the 10th lunar month according to Tibetan calendar, takes place this year on 18th December 2021 when various kinds of religious activities are held.

ProgramPalden Lhamo (Prayer) Tsok offering and Serkyem offering Here we offer nectar “Amrita” to the wisdom protectors while chanting supplication and request to the protector deity.

Led by H.E. Kundor Rinpoche la and Geshe Lobsang Tenzin la

Date = 18 Dec 2021

Time = 3 pm IST 5: 30 pm. SGT

Through zoom meeting

Palden Lhamo is a wrathful emanation of the Goddess Saraswati. Also known as Shri Devit in Sanskit, she is the personal protector of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, as well as the region Lhasa.

Palden Lhamo is practiced within all four schools of Tibetan Buddhism and she is a fully enlightened Buddha. Propitiating her and making offerings to her is extremely beneficial to overcome our spiritual and worldly obstacles.She has a blue-black body and a fiercely wrathful expression, one face and two hands, holding aloft with the right hand a vajra-tipped staff and in the left a skullcup held to her heart.

The skull cup is filled with blood, representing great bliss. She rides side-saddle atop a mule. Above her head is a large peacock feather parasol. She carries a human-skin bag full of diseases that she collects from those who invoke her. Her legs are in a semi-relaxed posture and chains connect one ankle to the other.

Her puja is one of the few that are regularly performed for subduing harmful energies and all sorts of demons.

Palden Lhamo also protects the Dharma and its pure practitioners, fulfilling all our temporal and ultimate wishes.Available in Small and Medium puja sizes, depending on the scale of the problem.


1)Protection from all sorts of demons and spirits

2)Fulfilling temporal and ultimate wishes

3)Avert internal and external obstacles for one’s practice

4)Protect dharma teachings

One can sponsor a bottle of such offering to be made to Palden Lhamo and with your name written on the bottle to be poured during the serkyem offering Puja