The Menlhai Jamtse Tibetan Buddhist Centre teaching schedule of 2022
Dear Dharma brothers and sisters, we would like to announce that the MLJC teaching schedule of 2022 will take place from March to August on the first Saturday and third Saturday of the month. Time 3 pm to 4::30 Pm IST The teachings will be on: * Nagarjuna’s Letter to a friend * Lojong /Mind training and introduction * Lamrim /stages of the path. Furthermore, on the 4th and 5th of June there will be a two days online Tara retreat. There will be two sessions on each day. Day One:10:30 am to 12pm IST 3 pm to 4:30 pm IST Day Two:10:30 am to 12 pm IST3 pm to 4:30 pm ISTAnyone who would like to join these sessions