Two days teaching by Venerable Geshe Dorji Damdul la ( Director of Tibet House new Delhi)
Glimpse of the two days extensive Teaching on Heart Sutra and Psychology of Relieving STRESS by Geshe Dorji Damdul La. Director of Tibet House New Delhi. Organized by Menlhai Jamtse Tibetan Bhuddhist Centre Mumbai (19th – 20th Nov 2022). We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to Geshe Dorji Damdul la for imparting a two-day teaching on the Heart Sutra and the Psychology of Relieving Stress in Mumbai. The teaching was much needed for the busy yet isolated lives of the city dwellers.We would like to thank Geshe la for this precious opportunity, and we are blessed to have his audience, and we look forward to more of his teachings. We hope that what he has taught us has