Programme schedule of Menlhai Jamtse Foundation 2023
Dear Dharma brothers and sisters, we would like to announce that the Menlhai Jamtse Foundation teaching schedule of 2023 will take place from March to August on the second Saturday, third Saturday and fouth Saturday of the month.Time =3 pm to 4::30 Pm ISTThe teachings will be on: Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy sessions Meditation and Lojong /Mind training exercise Medicine Buddha Prayer /Tara Prayer whith mantra chant, Meditation and healing Whether, weekly teaching on the second Saturday, third saturday and fourth Saturday of the month, sessions will be led by Geshe Lobsang Tenzin la • Special programs and events by MJ Foundation in the year 2023. • In June 2023, One day teaching On Stages of Meditation by 7th Khangser