The One-Day Teachings on the 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva by Ven. Geshe Dorjee Dhamdul la, Director of Tibet House.

Heartfelt Gratitude for the One-Day Teachings on the 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva by Ven. Geshe Dorjee Dhamdul la, Director of Tibet House.

On behalf of the Menlha Jamtse Tibetan Buddhist Center, we wish to express our deepest gratitude to Ven. Geshe Dorjee Dhamdul la, Director of Tibet House, for blessing us with a day of transformative teachings on the 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva. The event was a harmonious and wonderful experience that touched the hearts of everyone in attendance.

In the midst of the constant hustle and bustle of Mumbai, these teachings provided us with the rare and precious opportunity to pause, reflect, and cultivate the path of compassion and wisdom. Ven. Geshela’s profound insight into the practices of a bodhisattva reminds us of the importance of integrating the Dharma into our daily lives, even in a fast-paced urban environment.

We also extend our sincere thanks to our dedicated sangha members and to all those who attended and supported the event. Your presence and contributions allowed the teachings to flourish, making this day a truly memorable one for everyone involved.

May we all strive to embody these teachings, bringing peace, compassion, and wisdom not only into our own lives but also into the world around us.

With deep gratitude,

Menlha Jamtse Tibetan Buddhist Center